Capital Seed Group
We save seeds, exchange, share, sow and support community resilience in Warsaw. The Capital Seed Group was initiated by Agnieszka Dragon, Julia Krzywicka and Ania Siekierska in 2021 in Warsaw.
As urban gardeners, we deal with seeds on a daily basis. We buy them from trusted organic sources or harvest them from our own crops. We sow the seeds in spring and watch the plants grow, and finally we harvest and store them for the next season - in a word, we take care of the natural circulation of organic matter. However, it turns out that our actions, seemingly so simple, are quite unusual. We notice that a large number of gardeners or allotment holders prefer to buy seeds in the shop. These are often genetically modified to give a higher yield. Nowadays, the custom of collecting one's own seeds, exchanging or sharing them is disappearing and seeds - life-giving, biodiverse and culturally valuable creations of nature - are becoming a marketable product that is patented and modified at will.
For more information on current events we organise you can find here:
fot. Jakub Wróblewski